Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Hybrid Pedagogy-MOOC post

Hybrid Pedagogy-MOOC post

The MOOC movement allows students to be completely anonymous online away from the classroom. “The more massive the course the more compelled a teacher is to treat all the students en masse.” En masse means in a body or as a whole. “Many instructors fear MOOCs, seeing them as an unknown entity that threatens to swallow up their jobs as more students can be taught by fewer instructors.” The fear that MOOC classes will disrupt the natural education system is what is stopping MOOC classes from being in every state. The supporters of MOOC classes think that the online classes will teach modern technologies and will add a new way of teaching into the world. Supporters think the change of teaching possibly evolving out of the original classroom setting might be a good change.

Five essential MOOC philosophies that can be applied to face to face classroom teaching  are meant to be for writing courses and distributed learning. The five philosophies are: collaboration, connection, assessment, reflection, and trust. This class would be considered a hybrid pedagogy because it is a paradigm shift. The article says that MOOCs should be set free to writing classes so that students can experience an environment that is not isolated within classroom walls. Personal connections in students could become inherent in writing by having students write in the world around them. Teachers should involve the physical and digital spaces within their teaching processes.

I decided to pick this term/idea because I am interested in the literacy evolution of students being able to write more online, and use online sources in the classroom. This term explains both original classroom setting and how digital sources can be involved. I think it is a term future teachers need to know because students might write a certain way online in their world environment, and write in a different way in a classroom boundary setting.

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