Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Vlogs: better than blogs?

Vlogs: better than blogs?

For some reason the idea of vlogging in the classroom jumped out at me. I read this short article because honestly a composition class does not seem like a good place to vlog. Since the whole point of composition is to write, and a video blog gives you the ability to just talk rather than write anything down.

I do agree with some of the thoughts of the article. Vlogging can be a cool way to get thoughts out there, especially in an online class. It is also a good way of expressing oneself. Of course, it can include writing because some students will write what they are going to say, or use visual text along with the audio. In those cases the video is supplement to the writing.

In the three years I have been in college, i have noticed a gradual increase in classes that use the blogging platform for routine responses. In fact, I do not have one class this semester that requires paper reflections turned in on a regular basis. All regular writings are posted via blogging sites, or private class sites. Why not take it one step further and allow us to video record ourselves expressing these ideas? I see the fun in it, and see how it can make the writer more involved, but in reality the lives of students do not always comply with the necessary factors to create a vlog. We are often in noisy, hectic places where writing is much easier than trying to record video. And really who wants to see all their peers or students in their PJ’s with messy hair recording their blogs at 11PM? Because honestly, I don’t want to have to change into regular clothes just to do my homework.

I guess I am being a little harsh. Vlogging could be a really cool way of integrating presentation with composition, but as a regular practice I don’t think I am quite on board with it yet.

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