Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

the early days of videotaped lecture (blog 7)

the early days of videotaped lecture (blog 7)

This article talked about the misrepresentation of online schooling as a new phenomenon. The author discussed her experience with online learning some 20 years ago, where she was able to “pause, rewind, and replay” video lectures over the course of the semester. She appreciated this option, considering the same luxury wasn’t available in face-to-face lecture. Although there were benefits to this educational option, she constantly felt isolated and distanced from her professor and peers.

I have never participated in an online-based college course, so I am not sure of the nature of these programs. Right now, I don’t think I’d ever participate in one. I don’t believe I’d enjoy the distance between my professor and peers. I believe part of learning involves face-to-face interaction, where there are certain levels of risk involved in the various dialogues with professors/peers. Online courses seem to provide a medium where this risk isn’t as apparent. Because there isn’t immediate interaction taking place, I would find it difficult for the professor to truly gauge the cognitive development of his/her students.

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