Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Article Groups

Article Groups

This week was really fun! I loved learning things from my colleagues and in turn trying to teach things to them as well. The activities we did opened up a lot of things I had considered before but never really dove into. I really liked inspecting the hip hop lyrics as poetry because I had never truly considered how great lyrics could be in the classroom. It seems like something everyone sort of understands but never applies as an actual resource. I can’t wait to try something like that out in my own classroom someday and seeing how the students react. It would be awesome to see them get excited about interpreting a work of literature because they would already recognize it. Looking at a poem that makes no sense to them will make even less sense if they have never seen it before. However, when they are told to find literary devices in a work that they are already familiar with it is much easier to see what they missed at first.

I also liked exploring all of the digital literacy resources that the group last week did. I’ve only heard of half of those websites and even in the ones I recognized I had never actually gone into depth and explored them. It was nice to take a chunk of time to just explore a resource I might have looked over beforehand. I will definitely be using those resources again, if not only in my teaching career but also in future classes. It’s nice to have a repertoire of resources building up so that I can have lots to work with in my future career. I definitely want to go back and revisit some of the ones the other groups got to look at so that I can have experience with more of them.

I am looking forward to this week’s presentations and activities and I hope they are as interesting as the last ones have been. It will be nice to not be thinking about my own activity but to completely experience the presentations that the rest of the groups have to do.

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