Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Prompt 8: We must remain active participants, not idle spectators

Prompt 8: We must remain active participants, not idle spectators

I’m not going to lie, I’ve really been enjoying the activities that we’ve been doing in these article groups. Participating in these activities has not only given me ideas for my own classroom, but has also reminded me that it is important for us as future teachers to remain active participants in a community of practice, rather than sink into becoming idle spectators.

I especially enjoyed the Hip Hop and Literacy presentation. I really liked their website and how it gave the class an overview of the history of hip hop, articles depicting the incorporation of hip hop and literacy, how we, as teachers, can use this idea in the classroom, and the activity. Our group had somewhat of a difficult time analyzing the poems simply because we didn’t remember a lot of the literary devices that one uses in poetry (we’re English Majors…derp). However, this in itself was helpful because it made us recollect on what terminology we would have to teach our students in order for them to do that specific assignment.

I also liked the part in the activity when our group had to create a rap, mainly because it made me uncomfortable. I’m not a rapper. I don’t listen to rap, write wrap, and a sure as hell don’t sing wrap. But what this activity made me realize is that if we, as teachers, are going to ask our students to do things out of their comfort zone (like write inquiry papers, or partake in interactive activities by using digital platforms), we must also be willing to become uncomfortable!

Overall, I like these article groups. I feel like I’m learning a lot, and adding more to my “teacher folder”.

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