Hello awesome people,
I have no doubt that you are exhausted from this semester. Giving you a virtual high five or pat on the back. You are so close.
I FINALLY finished giving feedback on your ethnographies moments ago; thank you for the patience. You’ll see comments in blue at the end of your drafts. Your drafts were so much fun to read and you chose such interesting research contexts. For those of you thinking about a career in teaching, this is why you might love your life as an educator…because you will learn more than you’ll ever teach. With these drafts I learned about the literacies of KPop (and watched a BlackPink documentary on Netflix that I might have missed otherwise), Van Life, the identities of Starbucks’ baristas, national women’s soccer, spiritual communities, greek life, chefs, family literacies, gaming, TikTok, counseling support services, and LBGTQ+ communities. It was a pleasure.
As I mentioned on our final Make Cycle 7 page, we’re not going to revise these drafts, but I will ask you to talk about ideas for revision–to imagine what you would do next–in the final survey. Please read my comments in your Google Doc draft first for ideas for revision; hoping it can help you answer that part of the survey.
Finally, your ideas for The Game’s Afoot due tomorrow, Dec 11. So many awesome ideas there already if you need inspiration. The resources will help too and some would only take 5 minutes to watch. 😉 FTW.
In a nutshell or TL;DR:
- Your ideas/response for The Game’s Afoot due tomorrow, Dec 11 in Currents (25 points)
- Read my comments on your ethnography draft (in your google doc)
- Finally, check grades in Blackboard to make sure I’m not missing anything. Dec 16 is a firm deadline for our work since grades are due Dec 23 (very short turnaround for faculty); thank you for all the work you’ve done this semester.
Hang in there!