Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Author: ginahiner

The Last Post

The Last Post

The biggest thing that I learned from this class was that literacy is not nearly as simple as I had previously believed.  Another thing that I thought was really important was that literacy isn’t being lost, but evolving and changing with the new generation and technology.  One of the first articles we read were about how different people value different literacy and engage in different kinds.  This does not make them illiterate, but rather that we need to change how literacy is evaluated.  This is a really uplifting message and I like hearing about how our generation is illiterate and the fate of the world is at stake because people like to text.

An important skill that I picked up was being able to decipher difficult texts.  After reading that document on rhizomatic learning everything else I’ve had to read for the semester is easy.  Speaking of which, new ways of learning was something that was also really interesting to me.  Although I do not plan on ever being a teacher, I still thought it was useful to learn about different ways of teaching and how that could make schools better because while I may never be a teacher, I do eventually way down the line plan on having kids, and I feel knowing these things will help me in helping them be able to learn.  I like the thought of adjusting how we teach rather than adjusting how kids should learn so that it makes it easier on us.  Knowing about literacy sponsors is also helpful because now I can fully utilize being one, considering most people are some way or another.

Overall I really enjoyed this class and I feel that I learned a lot.  I’m going to miss the people and and ideas that this class brought forward and I wish everyone the best of luck in whatever they choose to do.

Adolescent Identity and Literacy

Adolescent Identity and Literacy

I really liked learning about Adolescent Identity and Literacy and found it to be incredibly interesting to read about.  The article that I found the most interesting was “Which South Park Character Are You?: Popular Culture, Literacy, and Online Performances of Identity” which mainly talked about how students identify themselves through their MySpace and Facebook pages.  Rather than students filling out the ‘About Me’ section where they just write a paragraph about themselves, many instead identified themselves through the music, film clips, quotes, books, and other popular culture references they chose to share on their pages.  According to the article, over half of a student’s page is filled with popular cultural references.  Another interesting thing about this is that students make judgements about others based on these references and decide whether the person is worth getting in contact with through what they post.  They also fear what others may think of them and of being misrepresented by their references.  They are aware that people other than their friends and families can view these pages and they consider what people who have no knowledge of what they are like will think about them based on what they choose to share.  To me this was all really cool to discover.

Collaborative Peer Review: Gathering the Academy’s Orphans

Collaborative Peer Review: Gathering the Academy’s Orphans

The article “Collaborative Peer Review: Gathering the Academy’s Orphans” is written by the editor for Hybrid Pedagogy, Michael Morris, and discusses how the site has balanced publishing articles without having to go against his views on assessment and evaluations, which he makes clear in the first paragraph.  Rather than merely rejecting articles he works with the authors in a collaborative style  to create publishable pieces.  He also talks about how the website accepts all styles articles, stating “Good dialogue doesn’t discriminate.”  This allows for all types of information and perspectives to be published on the website, giving the reader multiple interpretations of new knowledge.  This ties into to some key ideas we have discussed in class such as creating a participatory culture and discovering new processes of conveying knowledge.  However, what this mostly seems to tie into is the idea of literacy sponsors.  This whole site is a literacy sponsor in the fact that it publishes articles free to anyone to use.  Also, specifically in this article, as an editor, Michael Morris shows that he is a literacy sponsor to the authors of the site by helping them to circulate their work and becoming better writers.

To read or not to read Shakespeare

To read or not to read Shakespeare

It is simply amazing what Rafe Esquith was able to have those kids not only understand Shakespeare but to also love the text.  He is the kind of literacy sponsor that needs to be more prevalent in the world.  He not only got kids reading but he got them so excited about reading and he got them emotionally invested in the books.  One of the things that also really stuck out to me while watching the film was the books he chose to have his students read in class.  All the books had a purpose and morals that the kids would be able to not only understand but also relate to, such as “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”  Also, like what was said in class, he truly seemed to care about his students.  He was so obviously invested in making sure that each student understood everything that they were learning and he took the time to congratulate each student on accomplishments that they made in class.  Another thing that he commented on which I agree with is what he said about letting kids be kids and doing kid things.  In the film they showed how the class took a ‘break’ on Halloween to do fun things, which I think is really important.  Also, as he pointed out, they were still learning values such as treating each other with respect.  While there were a couple of things he said that I may not agree with overall I thought that what he is doing is amazing and that I hope that more people can be like him.