Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

To read or not to read Shakespeare

To read or not to read Shakespeare

It is simply amazing what Rafe Esquith was able to have those kids not only understand Shakespeare but to also love the text.  He is the kind of literacy sponsor that needs to be more prevalent in the world.  He not only got kids reading but he got them so excited about reading and he got them emotionally invested in the books.  One of the things that also really stuck out to me while watching the film was the books he chose to have his students read in class.  All the books had a purpose and morals that the kids would be able to not only understand but also relate to, such as “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”  Also, like what was said in class, he truly seemed to care about his students.  He was so obviously invested in making sure that each student understood everything that they were learning and he took the time to congratulate each student on accomplishments that they made in class.  Another thing that he commented on which I agree with is what he said about letting kids be kids and doing kid things.  In the film they showed how the class took a ‘break’ on Halloween to do fun things, which I think is really important.  Also, as he pointed out, they were still learning values such as treating each other with respect.  While there were a couple of things he said that I may not agree with overall I thought that what he is doing is amazing and that I hope that more people can be like him.

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