Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Author: jmartinez107

Blog for September 29th

Blog for September 29th

Jennipher Martinez
Professor Jaxon
English 332
September, 28, 2013

My Take-away from The Pedagogy of Multi-literacies
Reading the first few pages one sees that the times are changing and so are the way we do things. Reading, writing and the way we teach these are also being affected. Our diversity and the way it is starting to being common all around the world is also changing the way we learn. What was once a restricted way of learning is now becoming unrestricted in the different ways it can be taught? The word Multi is seen a lot in this piece, multi meaning more than, many or varying in amounts. “The question of differences has now become a main one that we must now address as educators”. (Pg. 61) I feel this very important for “us”, meaning half my class that will be pursuing English Education. We need to be up to date with things, for the way we learned things is not exactly going to be the same way our students will have to learn things. The video the “The Machine is Us/ing Us” is the perfect example, of our changing text in the world, especially when it comes to digital text. I believe people don’t need pencil and paper anymore, they can just got straight to the word processor in there computer. Save trees! The video also shows the changing of times when it comes to our communication and ways of expression, blogs, videos, pictures, etc. It made me remember MySpace and the way we had to punch in certain things in the computer to get the font in color, italicized, bold, bigger, etc. I am so lucky to have been a 90’s kid for I love remembering and knowing what is a VHS, cassettes and a floppy disk for the computer.

In the article it says “if the children are not read to at home, and the school assumes that activity as a part of its foundation for reading instruction, then such students are likely to encounter difficulties in learning to read.” This sentence resonates with me because if schools assume children are reading or are being read to thats not always true, they should never assume. When I was a kid I remember memorizing small childrens books, but not necessarily taking in the concept of actually reading and understanding the text. I believe elementary schools should assign readings at home to prepare us for the oler years. Im sure how it works now, but I don’t remember reading required texts in grades k-6. I also remember in the fourth grade, there was a optional program called “Book It”, sponsored by Pizza Hut that gave kids a free pan pizza everytime they read a certain amount. I don’t remember the exact amount, but I do believe incentives like this might get kids to read a little more,but it still isn’t enough to get them to read and actually comprehend what they read. I remember it just required a signature from a parent or guardian that stated you read the ten books, but it is soley based the parents trust, unless the parent/guardian actually witnessed the reading. I wish there where programs that actually had a fool proof way of getting kids to read. It is essential for kids from the ages 7-11, to get a lot of reading done so when they get older they are more likely to be successful.

Blog 1 – Jennipher Martinez

Blog 1 – Jennipher Martinez

Jennipher Martinez
Professor Jaxon
English 332
September 3rd, 2013
Introduction for Blog 1, September 2nd, 2013
Hello, my name is Jennipher Martinez and I am a junior transfer from College of the Desert in Palm Desert, California. I am 21 years old, and majoring in English Education. I am thinking about declaring a minor in Spanish, as I would like to become English as a Second Language educator. My dream job would be to become a school teacher for K-12 and as I get older become a professor. I have always dreamed of writing books, and maybe someday publish a best-seller or two.
I read and write materials that are either interesting or required. Things I read for entertainment are usually things I am interested in, and others I read for a grade and are required. When I say interesting I mean, readings I do for entertainment, which are usually magazines, (fashion, makeup and or celebrity) cookbooks, online news articles, and the newspaper. Required readings are things I don’t usually enjoy but things that I have to read for my greater good such as textbooks, novels for class, articles and assigned readings. Writings that I enjoy doing are for example are self-reflections, diary or journal entries, and or note-taking to remember tasks. Writings that are not often enjoyed are long research papers, or papers that require a lot of citations and references.
The purpose of the readings are all for my benefit. I can learn a lot from a fashion magazine, when it comes to the latest styles in clothing and makeup. A cookbook can teach me how to create a dish that will stay with me for the rest of my life, as well as news articles and papers can inform me on things that are vital for my safety and or well-being. As for required readings such as textbooks and assigned readings help me gain knowledge in a certain subject, as well as broaden my intelligence . Writings such as journal and or diary entries will help me remember my past and laugh at the mistakes or triumphs I have had in my life and will give me a good laugh or cry in the future. Writings such as research papers help me to advance in my script skills, as well as become better writer and thus become a better communicator. Szwed has reminded me that reading is a daily part of our lives. It is everywhere, signs, billboards, money and even food labels. Writing is the pathway to reading. Thus meaning; writing is life.