Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog 1 – Jennipher Martinez

Blog 1 – Jennipher Martinez

Jennipher Martinez
Professor Jaxon
English 332
September 3rd, 2013
Introduction for Blog 1, September 2nd, 2013
Hello, my name is Jennipher Martinez and I am a junior transfer from College of the Desert in Palm Desert, California. I am 21 years old, and majoring in English Education. I am thinking about declaring a minor in Spanish, as I would like to become English as a Second Language educator. My dream job would be to become a school teacher for K-12 and as I get older become a professor. I have always dreamed of writing books, and maybe someday publish a best-seller or two.
I read and write materials that are either interesting or required. Things I read for entertainment are usually things I am interested in, and others I read for a grade and are required. When I say interesting I mean, readings I do for entertainment, which are usually magazines, (fashion, makeup and or celebrity) cookbooks, online news articles, and the newspaper. Required readings are things I don’t usually enjoy but things that I have to read for my greater good such as textbooks, novels for class, articles and assigned readings. Writings that I enjoy doing are for example are self-reflections, diary or journal entries, and or note-taking to remember tasks. Writings that are not often enjoyed are long research papers, or papers that require a lot of citations and references.
The purpose of the readings are all for my benefit. I can learn a lot from a fashion magazine, when it comes to the latest styles in clothing and makeup. A cookbook can teach me how to create a dish that will stay with me for the rest of my life, as well as news articles and papers can inform me on things that are vital for my safety and or well-being. As for required readings such as textbooks and assigned readings help me gain knowledge in a certain subject, as well as broaden my intelligence . Writings such as journal and or diary entries will help me remember my past and laugh at the mistakes or triumphs I have had in my life and will give me a good laugh or cry in the future. Writings such as research papers help me to advance in my script skills, as well as become better writer and thus become a better communicator. Szwed has reminded me that reading is a daily part of our lives. It is everywhere, signs, billboards, money and even food labels. Writing is the pathway to reading. Thus meaning; writing is life.

2 Replies to “Blog 1 – Jennipher Martinez”

  1. Hi Jennipher,

    I applaud your desire to want to teach ESL. It is something that this world (and particularly this state) need more of. As I get older (I’m 30) I wish I would have had a stronger desire to learn a different language and perhaps work as a translator. I took Spanish in HS because it was require and while I enjoyed it I didn’t take it as serious as I should have. I also took a semester of ASL (American Sign Language) at Shasta College. That was extremely interesting because it allowed me to interact with a whole new group of people that I had not been able to before.

    I really enjoyed your take on the Szwed piece, especially the end when you stated that “writing is life.” I believe that writing is the best way we can communicate to someone these days. Whether it be through email, texting or blog posting such as we are doing now.

    Best of luck in the class this semester and I hope you get to live out your dream of writing a best-selling novel one day.

  2. Wow, you’re a longer way from home than even me. I think it’s interesting how you mention you read magazines, considering the industry isn’t doing so well. At least I don’t think, it’s been a long time since I took a class about different types of media. As for the required texts in schools, yeah they can be rather mundane but I agree(and it’s hard to disagree) that reading and writing definitely bolsters your understandings of things.

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