Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies



After reading Moje and discussing the essay, the answer to adolescent reading almost seems simple. Although people say that kids don’t read, Moje has foaund that yes, they do, just like anyone else they read what interests them and what they can connect to. So why can’t a teacher keep up to date with young adult books that can connect their class and make the students love what they are studying.

We were discussing a few ways to make this possible while we were in our groups. The students could fill out simple questionnaires at the beginning of class so the teacher has a scope on what their students like, they could be broken into groups that choose the book which interests them most and then do a project on that book, they can read a sports illustrated magazine if they really WILL NOT read anything else. I think the point is to get them to find what they enjoy, and then reading will not become a chore. But then the tricky part is adding the content, analysis, and learning aspect to that alternative reading, because thats were students become uninterested, and thats the main goal of the teacher. Also, the students feed off of each other’s social cues, and its just like Kim has said in class if there becomes a cue that its not cool to talk in class, or to do your homework, the teacher has to stomp that fire out immediately and get the kids involved in a fun and different way. I think that any creative alternative to assignments that the teacher can incorporate into the class is always a good way to get students excited. We also talked about making their writing public, and in this case the students will feel as though they have a chance to make a difference and get their voices out in the world, to be heard as perhaps more than just a student but as an instructor themselves. And because their work will be on display for the public they will work harder overall. I think getting students to love to read and write is a monumental task that takes a lot of creativity and the ability to get into the heads of your students, and not just look at it from an authoritative standpoint.


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