Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Post #2 Scribner

Post #2 Scribner

“… the only surprising aspect is that so many varieties of pragmatic uses occur in an economic and social milieu in which modern institutions (schools, cash markets) still play a limited role.”

          This particular passage comes from the Case Study section of the Scribner article in which a rural society, the Vai, and their use of language is dissected. In this section Scribner discusses the practicality of the literacy the Vai have practiced for over 150 years. The Vai have found so many uses for their language that they do not need to rely on a modern schooling institution to learn and become fluent in it. This includes not only speaking but reading and writing as well. It is a typical thought in Western society to believe that schools are necessary for teaching literacy, in the reading and writing sense. Though one may participate in a society without literacy, the Vai have found so many practical uses it may be said that it is essential to their survival as a culture and as individuals.

Not only do the Vai use their literacy in the economical sense, but they write personal letters, very frequently and at great cost since they must deliver the correspondences themselves. Beyond personal use they keep accurate birth records, marriages, regulate exchanges, and commercial transactions. The Vai also maintain private collections of personal journals. The Vai people tout their language and literacy as utilitarian, but also as a means to self-education and learning. Since it is used in so many facets of personal and public life the Vai have not established the extensive system of schools like English speakers have and have no need for them. They learn literacy in so many facets of life it is unnecessary for them to be taught in such a formal and exclusive manner.

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