Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

“All I Needed to Know About College Teaching I Learned as a High School Teacher”

“All I Needed to Know About College Teaching I Learned as a High School Teacher”

This article even though has a very long title is very useful for me because I also want to teach at a college level, in the future. I am starting off by getting my bachelor’s degree in English Education, and hopefully teach grades 6-12 and after a while of doing that I would like to venture off into teaching college students. The author does not discuss the best ways of teaching but just habits that are learned and acquired from his experience and the convergence of going from secondary teaching into higher education.
This article describes one man’s take on the different teaching styles, there is for both high school and college and how they are similar. They always involve planning, whether it is for a specific lesson or unit, and how they involve elaborate planning. In high school a teacher has about five different classes, as well as most college professors for each of their classes they must design a specific lesson plan that will accommodate the learning styles of their students for example what they need to know and what they already know, along with having them leave with something they have learned and use it in their life. I like the article and the ease the author gives future teachers that might want to do this as well.

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