Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog #8

Blog #8

Jennipher Martinez
Professor Jaxon
English 332
November, 11, 2013
Literacy Groups
I learned a lot and enjoyed from the literacy groups and their presentations. My favorite one would have to be the Adolescent Identity and Literacy. I liked the fact that I was in the pop culture group for picking People Magazine. I do identify myself as a person whole likes to read about current events and things. I like how the group utilized the video of the kids to show that we see people for what they read. Many people are looked down upon for picking up a magazine instead of for example Mark Twain. Another group presentation I learned from was the Gaming and Literacy group. I really enjoyed the group’s strategy of having us play two different games, one that seemed rather point less and the other one which had a purpose but what rather tedious and boring. I really joined the pointless, of having the robot sort through things and get to higher levels over the other game that is rather useful for those applying to college. The group that stuck with me the most was Jennifer’s group “Digital Storytelling”. She showed us a rather disturbing video about a cat that possesses human features. I was scared to see all the frightful things that creature would do in such a short time. But it was all to present a story digitally. It shows us the importance of digital images to aid as in presenting a story rather quickly with precise details. My group taught me the importance of music and the way we it can have deep thought and meaning put into it. Our group focused on the lyrical value and the different images that can be interpreted from sound devices such as alliteration, consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme and figures of speech (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, metonymy, apostrophe, etc. I learned the closesness there is between poem and song annotation, cause songs are pretty much poetry in disguised. It can be used to express feelings of oppression, sadness, any kind of feelings. For me it makes me feel secure in an environment that doesn’t care about you.

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