Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies



Introduction to Literary Studies class reminds us all that literacy is found in everything we do, and will continue to be a big part of our lives. As future educators (most of us) in this class, it is crucial that we get this view of literacy and embed it in our brains. We see the importance of reading and writing throughout the course and how essential it is for teachers to know their students literacy potential. When I first registered for this class I expected a lot of reading and writing mainly because literacy means the ability to read and write, kind of like a literature class. The class’s name is “The Introduction to Literacy Studies”, meaning it is the overview of the study of reading and writing. So in reality we did just that but in an informative and fun way. I found this class really useful, as we read so much about literacy components like certain practices and the literacy ability in others. We did a fair share of blogging that can be seen as the writing component of this class. The projects in this class like the small group activities, allowed us to take control of what we wanted to present to the class or audience. Kind of preparing us to start thinking and implementing ways to come up with lesson plans as future educators (the majority of the class). We did what the class was meant for and that was educationally and technologically applying the studying the reading and writing of ourselves and others.

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