Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Welcome to 332 Spring 2014: Click Here

Welcome to 332 Spring 2014: Click Here

Hello and welcome to English 332!

On this site, you’ll find all the materials for the class: syllabus, assignments, readings, and calendar. We’ll blog together on this site too; you can register for our site before class meets. You can upload a picture/avatar and change password info once you log in.

Only one book to buy for class (you’ll use it as a member of a book club). Don’t buy it yet; we’ll talk about this in class week one. All the other readings/texts are available as pdf or links.

**If you are an English Education major (planning to be a future teacher), you will also do your 45-hour observation work in a local secondary school as part of this class. You’ll receive an additional unit of credit for this work by signing up with me for English 489. English 489 is part of your graduation requirement as an English Ed major. I know this can be a bit shocking to know you have to fit this into your already busy schedules: we’ll figure it out.

I’ll bring the paperwork for English 489 with me to class on the first day, so don’t worry about that. You will go through CAVE for your placement in a local school, so please download and print the CAVE application and bring to class the first day (Jan 21): Here is the link.

I look forward to meeting all of you Tuesday! In the meantime, get familiar with the materials and feel free to come with any questions.


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