Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

“What is Music Theory?” This article immediately stood out to me on the site because the article group that I am in is hip hop and literacy and I thought this article could sort of tie in with that. The articles main point was to explain what music theory is and why it is important. Music theory is defined in the article as “a discipline, in which we study multiple theories about multiple musics. Individual pieces of music cluster together into styles, and each style has a diversity of theories around it.” In other words what traits define certain categories of music and what makes up certain kinds of songs (common themes, common rhythms, common instruments/sounds used). Musical theories are ever-changing because music is ever changing and the purpose of the theories is that “They provide a set of norms against which we can interpret the meaning of the ways in which specific composers or songwriters follow or deviate from those norms.” Music theory is important because “understanding the heavily contextual nature of musical styles helps us understand not only why Bach and Brahms are different, but also why some people who care deeply about music don’t give either Bach or Brahms a second thought.” It helps us understand why some people choose to listen to hip hop and why others choose country, both extremely different genres of music.

I found this article very interesting and I definitely think it ties into my group article of hip hop and literacy. Music theory is a very interesting concept and it breaks down music piece by piece so that you can learn why certain genres of music follow or don’t follow certain patterns and you also learn about all of the different types of reading, writing, and overall word analysis that go into creating a song and album.

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