Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Article Group Overview: Hip Hop & Literacy

Article Group Overview: Hip Hop & Literacy

My article group was hip hop and literacy and honestly I had so much fun working on this project! I already love listening to hip hop music, but after this project I have learned how much effort and creativity goes into one single song. It doesn’t have to be just hip hop songs but any genre of music. One of my favorite activities that we did in class with our group was when we had groups create their own raps and would pass a piece of paper around every minute or so and add on to each others raps. When your doing an activity like this you have to learn to think quick and it really get’s the creative juices flowing and certain parts of your brain are working harder than usual to try and think of these lyrics you are creating. One of my favorite videos (obviously, because we showed it to you guys) was the “Watson and Crick” hip hop video. It had such a catchy beat and really shows how hip hop is a useful resource for learning. From the other workshops that we have watched so far I’ve learned the other resources that can be used for learning; video games, computer games, etc. It’s interesting to see all of the different “new age” things you can incorporate into teaching to make it a little more fun and be able to engage students more.

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