Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Goodbye Everyone!

Goodbye Everyone!

After going back and re-reading all of my blog posts I have realized how much fun and how much I have truly learned in this class. From my very first post about why I love literacy, to all of the articles that we have read and analyzed, and what I initially thought literacy meant, to my book club group; Just Girls, and finally the hip hop and literacy group, I have now actually realized how much we have done in this class! I think out of all the assignments and projects we did the Just Girls book Group and Hip Hop and Literacy were my favorite. Those were both of my favorites because in the Just Girls book club group I loved learning how literacy takes place in middle school and high school and I never realized all of the different activities that we take place in in high school that can be considered learning different types of literacy, for example the note passing and yearbook writing. The hip hop and literacy project as also one of my favorites because it was pretty awesome seeing how music can help students be better students and help them learn to read and write in more creative ways. At the very end of this semester I am left thinking that a lot of people don’t know how complex and in depth the topic of literacy can be, I know I didn’t before this class, but there are a lot of unique intriguing ways to teach students how to become more literate and I hope some of the future teachers in this class take some of those unique ways to teach and use them in their classroom in the future. Overall this was one of my favorite classes and I’m god we are ending it with the Ignite and Maker Event.

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