Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Literacy In Meriam

Literacy In Meriam

“Interactions between people and written texts include images where a time-bounded interaction between people and texts or other literacy-related artefacts is taking place.” For example, going to the library to work on assignments can be seen as time-bounded interactions between people and texts. What I mean by this is that student are here at Chico State for a certain period of time. They are enrolled into courses that last for approximately 5 months and depending on the individual they choose the library to study and complete assignments/projects. Every semester, students come and go and schedules change. The classes they are in vary depending on major, minor, and other required courses. Work load and assignments differ every semester. There are groups of students who come to the library to work on assignments/projects together. In this case, what brings them together is the class that they are taking with each other. The class they are in can be seen as a time-bounded interaction because it brings them together for a certain period of time (in this case for the academic semester).

In relation to school and my image that I selected, literacy is mostly found in a library atmosphere. There are many types of literacy practices that can take place within Meriam. Participants are mainly students and staff/faculty. If one has never been inside the Meriam Library then they would have a hard time trying to distinguish the setting of the photograph. A reason for maybe not knowing is the fact that there “aren’t” any visual artefacts such as book shelves that are being displayed in the picture to make it known that it was taken in the library. It is simply students who are engaging in literacy practices. However, there are artefacts such as desk, chairs, couches, and laptop computers that are displayed in this picture. Students in this picture are discussing and disputing written texts of various sorts.

One Reply to “Literacy In Meriam”

  1. I definitely agree that a college class can be seen as a very specific type of literacy, which is very bounded by a rigid amount of time. Your image is interesting because it shows a library, but not the section with the books like most people would expect. Instead, your image is a space where people (presumably college students) are interacting with written and digital documents on their own. In this picture, the interactions between people and texts are bounded not just by the class that they are working for (if we are to assume they are all working on homework or school-related activities), but also by the pictured moment occurring in the library. This makes me think about the way that specific spaces can affect our literary practices, or even our abilities to some extent. What is it about coming to the library to work on schoolwork that is helpful or different than doing the same work somewhere else? Why do some people prefer the silent third floor, while others prefer the beanbags and group tables on the fourth floor? Different spaces seem to lend themselves toward slightly different literary practices.

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