Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Literacy Image

Literacy Image

I found my image and immediately thought  about a million things at once. First of all, it shows that there are so many different types of literacy and people do not have to be excluded. Also, I began to wonder things such as what this man was reading? It looks like a board used in schools to teach young children how to read. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that in the upper right hand corner of the board, we see the word literacy written in English. Does that mean that the picture was staged? I did not want that to be true but regardless, this image shows that literacy is everywhere and can reach anybody.

One Reply to “Literacy Image”

  1. I agree that there is a wide variety of literacy practices. This also includes language and culture. I like that you pointed out that literacy is everywhere and can reach anyone. In some countries literacy can be taught in a different language such as English. In this picture it looks as thought this man is learning English. I also hope that this picture isn’t staged because then it can be seen as a misconceived conception of what it is actually portraying.

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