Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog #2 – Different types of literacy

Blog #2 – Different types of literacy

The image I chose is of six different people sitting at Metro Station, each one of them is holding something different that they’re reading from. Two are holding books, one is reading a newspaper, one is on his cellphone, one is listening through earphones, and one girl looks like she’s holding a magazine (picture gets cut off). All of them are sitting under the sign that indicates where they are. This photo connects literacy to the technology provided in the modern world. Even if someone isn’t holding a book in their hand, they have so many other options to educate themselves. Modern technology has provided us with knowledge at our fingertips, you’ll rarely find someone without a phone and/or a laptop. The internet is filled with so many sources that work to educate people.  UndergroundLibrary_MultipleBench

One Reply to “Blog #2 – Different types of literacy”

  1. I thought it was interesting how one person is listening to music. This can be considered a form of literacy because lyrics require interpretation and are often heavy in symbolism and metaphors. You did an awesome job at finding a picture that defines interactions between people and text (well more like forms of literacy). The picture also depicts a modern version of the photo Kim showed in class. People use literacy as a form of isolation.

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