Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Learning is FUN

Learning is FUN

I really enjoyed this project. As a student, I think that when teachers incorporate a fun aspect into their teaching style it makes learning fun and memorable. Literacy practices can be taught in many different forms, whether if its making a song, playing a game, incorporating social media, fairy tales and fantasies, and much more.

For example, when it comes to history some students struggle with this subject. I think that making a rap song or a song in general can be beneficial in helping them learn and retain information better. In a teaching environment, I think that sometimes teachers forget that not all students learn the same way. I think that incorporating different teaching styles and techniques can help each student learn.

Although I am not going into the teach field, I will be working with students and I feel that this project will help me help them. I believe that it is important to inform yourself in different areas of teaching that not only benefit yourself but others as well. I have younger cousins who are in grade school and these techniques and styles will allow me to help them and show them that learning can be fun.

I enjoyed each groups presentation because they were all different and engaging. They were able to incorporate a lesson plan that made learning fun, interesting and engaging. My group was based on adolescent literacy, identity and social media. We had everyone make a Pinterest board and had them pin 10 different things that represented them. I found this to be hard because I felt that the 10 pins that I posted did not entirely represent who I am but gave an idea of what I like. I really enjoyed doing this project because it goes to show that learning can be fun!

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