Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Nathan Fillion is my boyfriend

Nathan Fillion is my boyfriend

Due to my head deciding to kill me this past week, I did not get to see much of the presentations. But, from what I did happen to see, I learned that literacy can take form into basically everything. Literacy can be found in rap music, fairy tales, technology, and in many other places. It can be sparked from watching something on the television to wanting to investigate further information regarding whatever was seen. For example, I just decided to search homicide investigation information, or fun facts, because I am currently watching the show Castle (it is a great show if you have never heard of it).

What I am getting at is that I am mending my own literacy around what I am currently interested in. Just like the presentations, children and adults adapt their literacy around these hobbies including rap music, fairy tales, super heroes, and an unlimited amount of other options. They change what they are interested due to what they are seeing and reading and what is socially accepted from other people sharing their gender, age, ethnicity, etc. The cool thing about literacy is that there really is not one that is the same, which is an exciting thing because everyone has their own way of building their own literary past.

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