Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Audrey Hepburn is a stone cold fox

Audrey Hepburn is a stone cold fox

One of the things that tripped me up the most about this article is the idea of a literacy event. Almost anything can be classified as an event, which never sits well with me. The finite definition given in the piece is that a literacy event is, “any occasion in which a piece of writing is integral to the nature of participants’ interactions and their interpretive processes.” The article also distinguishes events from practices by saying, “events are local activities, whereas practices are more global patterns.” However, this still leaves the qualifications for a literacy event extremely open.  I don’t know if I will ever understand what falls outside of the category for a literacy event, but I am beginning to compile a mental list of things that fall inside this category.


The original photo that I brought to class as an example of literacy is a stunning photo of Audrey Hepburn reading a script. This is an example of literacy as accessory if this was merely a photo shoot and she wasn’t actually using this script for her job, however this could also be an example of literacy as her occupation if she was actually reading this piece for one of her films. I think that this image could have been incredibly important if it was ever released publically. Audrey Hepburn was an icon, and any person who idolized her and saw a picture of her reading would want to run to the nearest bookstore and start reading too.


The second picture that I used in class as an example of literacy was the picture of graffiti that spells out the iconic word from Mary Poppins, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (which Word actually recognizes as being spelled correctly). This is possibly an example of literacy as evidence. There is potential that the person who tagged that wall was attempting to show that not all graffiti artists are uncultured or uneducated. I could be totally off base in this, but that is what I am getting from this image.


One Reply to “Audrey Hepburn is a stone cold fox”

  1. Yes, I too think that one thing about this article that kind of lost me is that anything can be classified as an literacy event. I think that the idea that anything can be classified as an literacy event is foreign to us. I like the two images that you pick. They really speak for themselves like the one that spells out Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and like what you said I too think that this image is meant to give the artist a voice or identity that they are not just simply uneducated people.

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